The Four Major Cults Birthed from the Restoration Movement


Electoral Member
May 12, 2008
Toronto, Canada
The Restoration Movement is an ideology that ultimately spawned the major cults that plague the church of Jesus Christ today. Is Campbellism, also known as Restorationism, a cult? Why are there so many strange cults today? This video series seeks to answer these questions and much more from a biblical worldview. History shows that several non-Christian cults and cults of Christianity were birthed during the Second Great Awakening in 19th Century frontier America.

Scholars still consider the Church of Christ and the Christian Church to be the central core of what is commonly called the Restoration Movement. Other denominations that emerged from the Restoration Movement include Mormonism, Jehovah's Witnesses, Seventh-day Adventists, and the Christadelphians. Over time, other cultic groups sprang out of this belief system like Oneness Pentecostalism, the International Church of Christ, and the International Christian Church.

These cults all adopted some of the beliefs that began with Thomas and Alexander Campbell. Together, these heretical churches and movements are responsible for having destroyed and shipwrecked the faith of tens of millions of souls every year. ** Correction in this playlist: I have often referred to Dr. Robert Morey's YouTube video incorrectly. He did not create, "Rise of the Cults" but his sermon, "How the 19th Century Spawned Cults" is his video title and it's great!



House Member
Aug 13, 2022
The reason there are so many Jesus cults is that there is good money to be made selling corner lots in heaven.