Fed up with Islam Yet???


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
FUREY FACTOR: Is Pakistan using Twitter to expedite Sharia Law against me?!
Nelson Branco
December 10, 2018
December 10, 2018 4:46 PM EST
He thought it was spam.
But Anthony Furey was wrong.
WATCH above as the Sun national columnist recounts one of the oddest stories this year: Pakistan via Twitter let Furey know that a tweet he wrote was in violation of the country’s law!
You won’t believe this until you hear it for yourself.
(We’re still dumbfounded!)
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Pakistan uses twitter to hit at Sun reporter for his views on Islam???????????????????????????

We should recall that last year- the people of Pakistan RIOTED FOR FULL MONTH and killed dozens of people- with hundreds

wounded - after their Minister of Justice made a lengthy speech- and during which he FORGOT to properly thank Allah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The rioters killed and maimed as they demanded the guy resign simply for having not properly thanked Allah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And Our idiot Boy Justin wants to convince us these people have the tolerance and patience to be good Cdn citizens?????????????



Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017

Pakistan uses twitter to hit at Sun reporter for his views on Islam???????????????????????????

We should recall that last year- the people of Pakistan RIOTED FOR FULL MONTH and killed dozens of people- with hundreds

wounded - after their Minister of Justice made a lengthy speech- and during which he FORGOT to properly thank Allah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The rioters killed and maimed as they demanded the guy resign simply for having not properly thanked Allah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And Our idiot Boy Justin wants to convince us these people have the tolerance and patience to be good Cdn citizens?????????????



Here is an article illustrating the kind of risks Our idiot Boy Justin and his LIE-beral minions are willing to run- with OUR safety and security. With some comments of my own in brackets):

ISIS teen bride convicted of U.K. terror charges

By Brad Hunter. Published: June 4, 2018. Updated: June 4, 2018 12:21 PM EDT

Filed Under: Toronto SUN/ News/ World

Safaa Boular has been convicted of terror-related offences in London. METROPOLITAN POLICE

A teen ISIS bride has been convicted of plotting a terror attack in London as part of the death cult’s first all-woman cell.

Among its targets was the tourist-packed British Museum.

(Obviously Our idiot Boy Justin mis-spoke when he said returning Isis fighters could be a powerful voice in Canada! Apparently he meant they could be a powerful THREAT! Only a vote hungry LIE-beral would assume these Leopards will ever change their spots!)

Safaa Boular, 18, now has the ignoble title of the U.K.’s youngest convicted female Islamic State terrorist. She was found guilty Monday of preparing acts of terrorism abroad and in the U.K.

The all-female ISIS team wanted to attack tourists at the popular British Museum.

(I wonder where Our idiot Boy gets the idea that these Isis thugs might be tolerant in any fashion that Cdns could understand or recognize or appreciate?)

“This was without doubt a major investigation, a proactive investigation,” said Dean Haydon, senior national co-ordinator for counter-terrorism. “This involved a family with murderous intent, the first all-female terrorist plot in the U.K. connected to Daesh.

(One has to wonder how many millions of dollars will be squandered on keeping watch over these vile thugs for decades to come? We will never be able to trust them until they are ALL buried 6ft under!)

“It’s difficult to say if we will see more females. We have seen young children involved in martyrdom attacks. We have seen Daesh using young children.”

Boular was described as a “confident, articulate, intelligent and relatively mature 18-year-old” who fell in love with a dreamy jihadi.

And the planned slaughter was to be a family affair.

Sister Rizlaine Boular, top, and mother Mina Dich were also part of the terror scheme. METROPOLITAN POLICE

(Oh nice touch- multiple generations of TRAITORS who should NEVER have been allowed into the country in the first place!)

She secretly discussed the sinister plot with her sister and mother using coded language. The theme of the attack was to be an Alice in Wonderland tea party.

Her sister Rizlaine, 22, brought a knife to Westminster with the intention of unleashing carnage. Boular raged because she couldn’t join her hubby in Syria.

Boular was just 16 when she was wooed online by British-born ISIS fighter Naweed Hussain, 32.

(British born AND an Isis fighter- yet another example of LIE-beral immigration policy gone WRONG! Muslim values are NOT compatible with western laws!)

They married in an online ceremony and for their honeymoon discussed donning his and hers suicide belts. Object: Martyrdom.

The teen was smitten with ISIS killer Naweed Hussain. They dreamed of being martyrs together.

After being stopped while trying to board a plane to Syria, her beau encouraged Boular to attack targets in the U.K.

He was iced in a drone strike after revealing his ID to the British secret service.

Boular’s sister and mother have already pleaded guilty and — like Boular — will be sentenced at a later date.

(I don’t know what the Brits pay per year to keep 3 criminals in jail but in Canada it would cost $450,000 a year for the 3 terrorist clowns!)

“As a family unit they are pretty dysfunctional. On the evidence we can see they had access to a vast amount of extremist material,” Haydon said.

The young terrorist told the court that over the last year she’s changed her outlook and now wears Western clothes, ditching her burka.

(OH yes- as I have said before- Muslims can apologise in the most remarkable fashion- AFTER THEY ARE CAUGHT! Crocodiles do not shed as many tears as a Jihadist facing what passes for western justice under LIE-beral guidance! They play the sympathy and repentance cards like master poker players!)

Meanwhile, the U.K. plans to strengthen counter-terrorism laws to make prosecutions easier and to instruct its security services to share some intelligence data about potential extremists with local authorities.

(And some people wonder why Brits ran for the Brexit so they could regain some semblance of control of their immigration policy? Think of the yearly costs of keeping track of tens of thousands of potential Jihadist jerks!)

The approach is designed to make earlier intervention possible in a bid to thwart extremist attacks posed by ISIS adherents and U.K.-based right-wing groups.

(My thought is that summary DEPORTATION at the drop of a hat is a viable option for these trouble makers who so abuse our charity!)


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Not in the least with the exception of any place in North America! :)

Poor NZDoug!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

He is really on a delusional trip this time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is a repost of an article I consider sensible, along with some comments of my own at the bottom in brackets):

PC madness (Pelham)..... interesting article.

Things are getting so crazy these days that it's not just religious conservatives who are pushing back against the PC madness. Even Hollywood liberals are speaking out.

But first, the latest example of PC insanity.

At the prestigious Duke University campus, where in-state tuition is close to $50,000, "The Duke Men's Project, launched this month and hosted by the campus Women's Center, offers a nine-week program for 'male-identified' students that discusses male privilege, patriarchy, 'the language of dominance,' rape culture, pornography, machismo and other topics."

So, to be clear, this only applies to men who identify as men. What is not clear is if it would apply to women who identify as men -- but then again, if it did, the program wouldn't apply to them, since it's unlikely that a woman who identified as a man would be as rotten and misogynistic and privileged as a man who identified as a man.

It's those biological males who identify as males. Those are the really bad apples. Shame on them for being men!

Writing for FoxNews.com, Jillian Kay Melchior reports that, "The student newspaper's editorial board endorsed the new program yesterday, insisting it was 'not a reeducation camp being administered by an oppressed group in the service of the feminization of American society.""

And why, pray tell, did they feel the need to defend themselves against such a ludicrous charge? Who would ever think that this wonderful new program sounded like "a reeducation camp being administered by an oppressed group in the service of the feminization of American society"?

According to Dipro Bhowmik, a junior who sits on the leadership team, "the goal of the Duke Men's Project is for male students to 'critique and analyze their own masculinity and toxic masculinities to create healthier ones.'"

Of course, I'm all for exposing the evils of pornography and rebuking the male abuse of women, but please. Enough with this "toxic masculinities" nonsense.

The good news is that, with the rising tide of PC madness on our campuses and beyond, more and more people are pushing back.

Charlie Nash writes that, "American Psycho author Bret Easton Ellis attacked 'PC victim culture,' micro aggressions, and campus crybabies in a long monologue of his own during the latest episode of the Bret Easton Ellis podcast."

His words are worth quoting at length.

"If you cannot read Shakespeare, or Melville, or Toni Morrison because it will trigger something traumatic in you, and you'll be harmed by the reading of the text because you are still defining yourself through your self-victimization, then you need to see a doctor. If you feel you are experiencing micro aggressions because someone asks you where you are from, or 'can you help me with my math,' or offers a 'god bless you' after you sneeze, and you feel like all of this is some kind of mass societal dis, then you need to seek help. Professional help."

Nash notes that Ellis branded the "widespread epidemic of self-victimization" and "defining yourself" by "a traumatic thing that happened to you in the past" as an illness.

And, Ellis urged, this "is something you need to resolve before you re-enter society. What you are doing to yourself is harming yourself, and seriously annoying others around you. The fact that you can't listen to a joke, view imagery, and that you categorize everything as either sexist, or racist, or homophobic, whether it is or not, and therefore harmful to you and you just can't take it, is a kind of mania, a delusion, a psychosis that we have been coddling, encouraging people to think that life should be a smooth utopia built only for them and their fragile sensibility. In essence, staying a child forever. Living in a fairy-tale."

And remember: These are the words of the author of American Psycho, not the words of the author of, say, The Conservative Christian's Guide to Reclaiming America.

Had they been the words of a conservative Christian author, as in my made-up title, they would be vilified and rejected in the strongest possible terms. After all, what conservative Christian could get away with referring to today's self-absorbed, hyper-sensitive, microagression madness with terms like "a kind of mania, a delusion, a psychosis"?

Nash also reports that Hollywood director Tim Burton recently "slammed political correctness in his response to criticism about the 'lack of diversity' in his films, claiming that he is far more offended when producers cast minority actors in their projects for the sole reason of diversity."

The pushback is taking place on college campuses as well.

Over in Canada, "As part of an hour-long YouTube lecture on political correctness, University of Toronto professor and clinical psychologist Jordan Peterson is objecting to the Trudeau government's Bill C-16, which proposes to outlaw harassment and discrimination based on gender identity and gender expression under the Canadian Human Rights Act and the Criminal Code."

Peterson actually "compares the changes Bill C-16 would bring about to the policing of expression in 'totalitarian and authoritarian political states,'" and he "argues against the existence of non-binary gender identities, or those that are not exclusively masculine or feminine, saying 'I don't think there's any evidence for it.'"

How bold!

Indeed, "Peterson said that if a student asked him to be referred to by a non-binary pronoun, he would not recognize their request: 'I don't recognize another person's right to determine what pronouns I use to address them. I won't do it.'"

And what was it that caused this professor to speak out, potentially endangering his career? "Peterson told the National Post that he decided to make the video and go public with his views after receiving a memo from university HR outlining new mandatory anti-racist and anti-bias training. 'That disturbs me because if someone asked me to take anti-bias training, I think I am agreeing that I am sufficiently racist or biased to need training.'"

You can expect more and more responses like this, since there's only so far things can bend before they snap and break.

After all, when the naked emperor not only begins to flaunt his new "clothes" but orders everyone to celebrate his wardrobe, the gasps of shock will quickly turn to shouts of mockery.

One cannot deny their nakedness indefinitely.

(My own personal take on this issue is that professor Peterson is quite correct in his opposition to harassment over personal pronouns and gender identity. Peterson was interviewed on City tv; followed by an interview with the principle complainant opposed to Peterson.)

(The complainant was a person in transition-from one gender to another and even with careful examination I could not determine what gender the person had begun life with. And in view of the fact that the opponent may have been taking hormones-either to grow or shrink breasts and may have had some gender re-assignment surgery in the recent past-one is left with NO clue as to how to address the person. And considering the possibility of hormone treatment and incomplete surgery-NO specific pronoun may be suitable as the person is neither male or female-but simply in non specific transition!)

(It is utter nonsense to punish people for using incorrect pronouns in reference to people who have systematically REMOVED all of the normal gender references from their behaviour and appearance!)

(Criminalizing improper pronoun use enters into the province of irrational dictatorship of the absurd sort found in the most benighted of Communist era national backwaters!)

(Given the amount of money that flows into our colleges and universities one way or another-from major tuition charges and from govt supplied subsidies, there seems to be a real need to verify the value of some of these courses. People may study what they wish but there is NO REASON our tax dollars should be used to subsidize a lunatic version of reality.)

(The American feminist writer Christina Hoff-Somers has documented in her book “Who stole feminism” the array of half truths, evasions and outright lies presented in these feminist studies programs.)

(She makes particular note of the outright lies regarding frequency of rape in our society. Feminists have determined there is a HIGH level of rape in society simply by RE-DEFINING the term! There is govt money to be had for funding rape crisis centres. There is additional cash to be had from govt and from deluded students for Women’s studies designed to create a new world order with feminists assuming power like latter day Nazis. The culture of victimhood created by these radicals has a simple philosophy-I FEEL that I am injured-therefore you owe me reparations and POWER!)

(It is one thing to have great sympathy for a women who is attacked at knife point and subjected to violence. It is quite another thing to turn our society upside down because a teenage girl engages in a little `necking` session in the back seat of a car because she wants to explore a bit with her male friend but only a dangerous fascist would call it rape if his hands wander a little too far into her panties and she feels obligated to push him away.)

(Hoff-Somers documents just this kind of behaviour that has been transformed by radical feminists into something menacing and dangerous. Hoff-Sommers presents statistics that indicate how often a girl will happily get back into the car alone with the same guy on subsequent nights without any qualms or fears for her safety. She HAS the right to say no-and may use it at her discretion-but such mutual curiosity and mutual exploration is not to be defined as rape-unless you are a budding dictator as so many of these feminists apparently are.)


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Islamic leader charged in Ky. murder for hire plot
Associated Press
May 12, 2019
May 12, 2019 10:32 PM EDT
Mahmoud Shalash..Woodford County Detention Center/HO
LEXINGTON, Ky. — An Islamic leader and two others in Kentucky have been arrested and charged in a murder-for-hire plot.
Islamic Center of Lexington leader Mahmoud Shalash, John Sadiqullah and Abdul Hadi are charged in federal court with use of interstate facilities in commission for murder for hire and conspiracy.
Attorneys for the three men did not respond to emails requesting comment on Sunday.
John Sadiqullah (L) and Abdul Hadi. Woodford County Detention Center/HO
Police affidavits filed last week in federal court give the following account of events: An informant posing as a hit man first met with Shalash in March at a Lexington motel. Shalash told the informant that a person — referred to as “Victim #1” in court filings — owed him $80,000, and Shalash wanted his money back.
When the informant asked if Shalash wanted Victim #1’s legs broken, Shalash at first said ’no’ but later agreed. In a subsequent meeting Shalash told the informant, “Do whatever you have to do to get my money back,” the affidavits state.
Shalash also introduced the informant to John Sadiqullah, who believed a person — referred to as “Victim #2” in court documents — had cheated him in a business deal. Sadiqullah told the informant, “I want him dead.”
At one point the informant suggested that Shalash provide a fatwa, or Islamic legal pronouncement, authorizing the killing, and Shalash and Sadiqullah agreed.
A third man, Abdul Hadi had a separate business dealing with Victim #2. Hadi gave the man $20,000 for a partnership in a trucking venture. The venture failed and Hadi believed Victim #2 owed him the money back.
At one point, Hadi, Sadiqullah and another man found Victim #2 at his business in Lexington, and Sadiqullah called the informant to ask him to come force Victim #2 to give them money.
The Islamic Center of Lexington posted a statement to its website that reads, “Muslims in Lexington are shocked to learn the news about the arrest of Imam Mahmoud Shalash. The situation is unfolding and we do not have enough details at this time. Also, we believe that every American citizen is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.”
The statement added: “We would like to emphasize that Islam is a religion built on peace and tolerance. Murder or hiring for murder is regarded in the Qur’an as a grave sin.”


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Paramount Fine Foods founder awarded $2.5M for suffering 'hate speech at its worst'
Canadian Press
May 14, 2019
May 14, 2019 9:17 AM EDT
Paramount Fine Foods founder Mohamad Fakih in Toronto November 5, 2012. (Dave Abel/Toronto Sun)
A self-styled online media personality whose websites frequently air anti-Muslim content has been ordered to pay the owner of a prominent Middle Eastern restaurant chain millions of dollars after publicly accusing him of funding terrorism.
Ontario Superior Court Justice Jane Ferguson ordered Kevin J. Johnston to pay a total of $2.5 million in damages for defamation to Mohamad Fakih, the owner and founder of Paramount Fine Foods.
Johnston, who operated websites including FreedomReport.ca and recently came in second place in Mississauga’s mayoral race, posted multiple videos attacking Fakih.
In the videos, shot in 2017, Johnston made a series of incendiary statements including a claim Fakih was an “economic terrorist” with backing from the Pakistani spy agency.
He also alleged restaurant policy barred staff from admitting anyone who wasn’t a “jihadist.”
Ferguson says Johnston’s words amounted to hate speech that called for particularly strong condemnation from the court.
“In this fractious 21st century — where social media and the internet now allow some of the darkest forces in our society to achieve attention — (issues raised by the case) are numerous and profound, and their impact extends well beyond the borders of this country,” she wrote in her decision released Monday.
“Motivated by ignorance and a reckless regard for acceptable norms, the Johnston defendants’ behaviour reflects a contempt for Canada’s judicial process, an abuse of the very freedoms this country affords them and a loathsome example of hate speech at its worst.”
Johnston did not respond to a request for reaction to Ferguson’s ruling, and the paralegal who represented him during the defamation suit could not be reached for comment.
According to Ferguson’s decision, Johnston and another man shot the video footage on July 20, 2017, while a fundraiser for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was taking place at Paramount’s flagship location in Mississauga.
Ferguson said the men repeatedly tried to disrupt the event and made a number of defamatory statements about the restaurant and Fakih, who founded Paramount in 2007 and has seen it expand to roughly 40 locations across Canada.
The footage yielded at least eight event videos that contained a number of what Ferguson deemed to be defamatory statements.
The videos also featured Paramount’s facade and logo and a photograph of Fakih altered to present him with blood on his hands, Ferguson wrote.
When served with notice of the defamation suit, Ferguson contends Johnston doubled down on his claims in a series of new videos in which he described Fakih as a “radical Muslim” who “hates white people.”
Tensions escalated in April 2018, she wrote, when Johnston allegedly approached Fakih while he was at a Mississauga shopping mall with his children aged between 13 and four.
The resulting encounter, briefly posted to Johnston’s online platforms, left Fakih’s youngest child waking in the middle of the night asking about “the scary man who hates his dad,” Ferguson said in her decision.
The other man who appeared in Johnston’s videos and who was originally named in the defamation suit saw the action against him dismissed after he issued an “unqualified apology” for his words and actions.
In contrast, Ferguson alleged Johnston repeatedly failed to co-operate with the court process and cast public aspersions on both the case and the judge overseeing it.
At one point, her decision said he went so far as to accuse Fakih of launching the suit in league with the woman who ultimately defeated him during Mississauga’s 2018 mayoral race. While the incumbent was re-elected with 76 per cent of the vote, city election results show Johnston took 13.5 per cent of ballots cast and placed second in the contest.
Ferguson awarded Fakih damages based on his standing in the community, the seriousness of the defamatory statements, the extent of their publication, the lack of an apology from Johnston and the defendant’s conduct.
She accepted Fakih’s contention that both his business interests and personal reputation were impacted by Johnston’s baseless claims.
“The serious damage to the plaintiffs’ reputations from the Johnston defendants’ repeated and widely disseminated false statements … may never be able to be undone,” she wrote. “As recognized by the Court of Appeal, given the ‘extraordinary capacity’ of the internet to replicate defamatory statements ‘almost endlessly,’ the truth rarely catches up with a lie.”
In a statement, Fakih said Ferguson’s ruling is a triumph over racism and hate speech.
“When someone falsely calls you a ‘terrorist’ simply because you are a Muslim, that is Islamophobia,” he said. “This judgment sends a clear message that such Islamophobic comments are wrong and defamatory. I feel vindicated. This decision is an important step towards demonstrating that those who are spewing hate online are going to have to pay.”


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Man with box cutter calls bus passenger 'terrorist': Video
Associated Press
May 16, 2019
May 16, 2019 4:10 PM EDT
Victor Colon.Paramus Police Handout
PARAMUS, N.J. — A man caught on video calling another man a terrorist and waving a box cutter at him aboard a bus in New Jersey has been charged with bias intimidation.
Paramus police say Victor Colon also faces counts of making terroristic threats and aggravated assault with a weapon.
Colon was arrested Wednesday night, hours after authorities released video and audio of the May 2 encounter on a Spanish Enterprise Transportation bus travelling on a Paramus highway.
Colon allegedly asked the man if he was Indian, then said his family had killed Colon’s father and that the victim was a terrorist and responsible for 9-11. Police say Colon’s father was not killed in the attacks.
Colon was being held pending a bail hearing. It wasn’t known Thursday if the 51-year-old Hackensack man has retained an attorney.


Keep Calm and Carry On
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Bad Hamas, bad.

Oh wait, the rockets Hamas sends do not have these warheads attached. Jewish morality on fill display. No wonder they have the reputation they have. Diseases that kill and these fukking things to take out the rest.

Tell me again why the Jews are the morally superior race.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Bad Hamas, bad.

Oh wait, the rockets Hamas sends do not have these warheads attached. Jewish morality on fill display. No wonder they have the reputation they have. Diseases that kill and these fukking things to take out the rest.

Tell me again why the Jews are the morally superior race.

Jews are SUPERIOR MHz.......................................................

BECAUSE NONE OF THEM............................................

ARE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!