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  • Dear Retired, Personally, I believe we are all here to learn and sometimes the lessons are just horrible. Please accept my heartfelt wishes that the turning point has been reached. These days treatment of problems such as your son suffers from have come a long way and with much deserved good luck, perhaps he will come out of this unfortunate episode with very few lasting scars.
    Sorry, I change my post after you saw it. I said things would get better, but they don't always. You have to work to make them better, and even still it may not be enough. Things did get better for me and mine, but it is still a journey with no known destination. Keep stong bro.
    Merry Christmas friend! You and your family are in my prayers for a real turn around from chaos to joy and prosperity in the new year!

    Adam :)
    Mutton chops. Do you see very many guys wearing them? No. I get lots of compliments from the lassies, so, until spring, they stay. Winter is finally arriving today so it is going to pay off.
    I hope all went well today. I never received a response from any of "my" doctors. As you know - doctors are busy and sometimes don't look at their mail when you need them to.
    Terribly sorry to hear your family is facing such a dire concern Mark - my strongest hopes for a positive outcome are with you all.
    No snow yet...but any hour now. This is only the sixth November in
    the last 125yrs that we've gone into November without snow.
    Nice, that should be a good time, Mark. Massey Hall is a pretty intimate venue, should be good I imagine.
    ah yes, I do recall that little melee. I'm glad you didn't go off the deep end...although..... it might be hilarious if I found myself summoned down to Wreck Beach for rep trolling. ROFL!
    yes... I did happen to notice that lol - fyi though - I don't give out negs at all. Just one that I can remember in all the years I've been here -and you'd be one of the last people I'd ever think of dishing one out to anyway. Just sayin... in case I ever find myself forced to surf on a teeny, weeny, tiny, itty, bitty little screen and you simultaneously discover you've been a neg repped for a perfectly nice post.
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