This aya in the Quran explains much

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
[Some Jews said to the Muslims: “If you had truly followed the truth, then God would have given you as much money as has He given to us, and would not have let you poor; therefore, this aya was revealed:]

Quran 13: 28, which means:
(God enlarges provision and straitens it to whomever He wills a.
And [Jews] rejoice in this life of the World b, but this life of the World is only a little ‘take-away food’ c in [relation to] the Next Life.)

a It means: God gives much provision to any of His servants He likes to give, and He restricts the provision for others, in a way of testing them to see will they be grateful and give thanks, or will they disbelieve and deny His bounties.
And the much wealth is not essentially given to the one who follows the truth; but God gives to disbelievers much wealth in the life of the World in order that they will lose in the Next life.

b Their rejoicing firstly is with the wealth and children, and secondly: they rejoice with their wishful thinking when they said: “We are the ‘chosen people of God’ and He will not punish us in the Next Life more than seven days.”

c i.e. like what ‘food and stuff’ which the traveler takes for his journey, then his food will finish within a short time. While the stuffs of the Next Life will last forever, will not vanish, neither will it corrupt nor finish.


Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Also the next great aya of the Quran 13: 29
The disbelievers demand an objective miracle, while the guidance is up to God

(And those who disbelieve [in the Quran] say: "If only a miracle was sent down to him from his Lord, [as did Moses bring the staff, and we will then believe in him!]"
Say [Mohammed, to them]: "
[The guidance is not merely by seeing the miracles, but] God misguides anyone He wills a, and guides to His [religion] anyone [of you, O disbelievers] turns [to Him b.]”)

a The meaning: “The guidance is up to God; for He guides anyone worthy of guidance, and misguides anyone who deserves the misguidance according to his bad manner of behavior and his wronging people.
Had the guidance been by mere seeing of the miracles, then Pharaoh would have been guided and believed in Moses, but he did not believe in spite of the many miracles brought by Moses, because Pharaoh was a ‘wrongdoer and transgressor’, and therefore the guidance did not involve him. And thus you have not been included by the guidance because of your wrong-doing and bad manner of behavior.

b i.e. who repents from his bad deeds and turns to God with doing the righteous deeds.
Therefore, God will guide such man to the way of the truth, and so he will believe in Mohammed and convert.


French Patriot

Council Member
Sep 17, 2012
[Some Jews said to the Muslims: “If you had truly followed the truth, then God would have given you as much money as has He given to us, and would not have let you poor; therefore, this aya was revealed:]

Quran 13: 28, which means:
(God enlarges provision and straitens it to whomever He wills a.
And [Jews] rejoice in this life of the World b, but this life of the World is only a little ‘take-away food’ c in [relation to] the Next Life.)

a It means: God gives much provision to any of His servants He likes to give, and He restricts the provision for others, in a way of testing them to see will they be grateful and give thanks, or will they disbelieve and deny His bounties.
And the much wealth is not essentially given to the one who follows the truth; but God gives to disbelievers much wealth in the life of the World in order that they will lose in the Next life.

b Their rejoicing firstly is with the wealth and children, and secondly: they rejoice with their wishful thinking when they said: “We are the ‘chosen people of God’ and He will not punish us in the Next Life more than seven days.”

c i.e. like what ‘food and stuff’ which the traveler takes for his journey, then his food will finish within a short time. While the stuffs of the Next Life will last forever, will not vanish, neither will it corrupt nor finish.

Only a dickwad God would play favorites with adjustment to bank accounts.

You make us your bored God's make work project.

Only a ******* would believe in a next life or supernatural God without evidence.



Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Only a dickwad God would play favorites with adjustment to bank accounts.

You make us your bored God's make work project.

Only a ******* would believe in a next life or supernatural God without evidence.

Nah, just a sad little person who can't stand the idea that Daddy's not taking care of him.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick

To some in Islam, this is the most dangerous book in the world.

Irony is, it was developed in Islam and with Islam in mind.

Interesting video at least.

I doubt Torchy will watch though.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
This book is not the Quran, and the writer is not a prophet.

Never said the book was, nor was the person a prophet. They WERE a Philosopher, which Islam was a huge proponent of historically, until the radicals got a hold of it and made even thinking things against their laws.